David I. August
Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
Visiting Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University
Affiliated with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
Ph.D. May 2000, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Office: Computer Science Building Room 221
Email: august@princeton.edu
Phone: (609) 258-2085
Fax: (609) 964-1699

Front Page Publication List (with stats) Curriculum Vitae (PDF) The Liberty Research Group


Please beware of the "Princeton University - Part-Time Research Job" scam. I am not hiring remote research assistants for the Department of Computer Science. Anyone doing so would use a campus address or phone number. Princeton students, please visit the Phish Bowl before responding to unsolicited communication.


Automatic CPU-GPU Communication Management and Optimization [abstract] (ACM DL, PDF)
Thomas B. Jablin, Prakash Prabhu, James A. Jablin, Nick P. Johnson, Stephen R. Beard, and David I. August
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), June 2011.
Accept Rate: 23% (55/236).

The performance benefits of GPU parallelism can be enormous, but unlocking this performance potential is challenging. The applicability and performance of GPU parallelizations is limited by the complexities of CPU-GPU communication. To address these communications problems, this paper presents the first fully automatic system for managing and optimizing CPU-GPU communcation. This system, called the CPU-GPU Communication Manager (CGCM), consists of a run-time library and a set of compiler transformations that work together to manage and optimize CPU-GPU communication without depending on the strength of static compile-time analyses or on programmer-supplied annotations. CGCM eases manual GPU parallelizations and improves the applicability and performance of automatic GPU parallelizations. For 24 programs, CGCM-enabled automatic GPU parallelization yields a whole program geomean speedup of 5.36x over the best sequential CPU-only execution.